Gideon James: 18 Weeks!

  Tiffany  February 25, 2014   Leave a comment

It’s so hard to believe that I am almost halfway through this pregnancy. Time is flying by so fast! I’ve had many people tell me that this pregnancy would go by much quicker than my first, and they are right! I guess that’s what happens when you have a fun, energetic toddler running around. :)

Gideon is now about 5.6 inches long from head to rump and weighs approximately 7 oz. It still amazes me how fast babies grow in the womb!

18 Weeks

As he is getting bigger, he is getting much stronger too! I feel his movements and his kicks all the time, which makes my heart happy. The other week, Jonathan was able to feel Gideon kick for the first time, and he’s felt him several times since then.

Liam has grown to love babies. When we are out and about, he’ll point and say “BABY!” And he is constantly bringing me his big brother books so that we can read about the baby. I know already that he is going to be the best big brother that Gideon could ever ask for.

Words cannot express how thankful I am for this baby. He could not be coming at a more perfect time! No matter what our family faces, we will always have each other, and I am forever grateful. My husband and my children are God’s greatest blessings to me. When I focus on those blessings, every other problem or difficult circumstance shrinks in comparison. God has blessed us so very much!

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