Gideon James: 22 Weeks!

  Tiffany  March 25, 2014   Leave a comment

I’m 22 weeks into this pregnancy already…WOW! Each time I post a new update on here, I feel like it was just yesterday that I posted my last.

Not too much has changed since week 20, so this will be a shorter post. I do feel like Gideon is getting bigger and stronger every day (as he is). Just the other day, I was laying in bed with my hand on my stomach, and I felt him press hard against my hand. It was almost like he was snuggling up to me. My eyes filled with tears and I thanked God once again for this precious miracle that he is giving us. I am so excited to meet our little guy face to face!

22 Weeks

On Sunday, I was showing Liam ultrasound pictures and pointing to my belly trying to explain to him that baby brother was in there. He pointed to my belly and said, “BABY!” Then he gave my tummy the biggest hug and said, “Awwwwww!” Completely melted my heart. I know that Liam is going to be the best big brother that Gideon could ever ask for, and I wholeheartedly believe that they will be the best of friends for life. What fun we will have getting to raise them together!

Cover Photo 16-22 weeks

Words cannot describe how excited I am that our family is growing! God is so good!