Teaching our Children that Jesus Loves Them

  Tiffany  January 31, 2014   1 Comment

One of the things I enjoy most about being a mom is the opportunity to teach our son, Liam, all sorts of different things. It is so much fun to see him discover the world! My absolute favorite thing to teach him is how much God loves him. Liam is still young, only 19 months old, but from the very beginning we wanted to point him toward Jesus and let him know how very loved he is. (And I can’t wait to do the same with this new baby!)

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

We pray with Liam at meals and bed time and if he is hurt or scared. It’s amazing how quickly he has picked this up! Yesterday, I set down his lunch in front of him and forgot to pray with him. He quickly said, “Mama!” and held out his hand to me, I grabbed it, and he bowed his head to pray. It completely melted my heart!

A few weeks ago, we started researching different Bible storybooks that we could get to read to him (reading books is one of his favorite things to do). We went to Lifeway to look at all the different ones they had in store there, and then went online to read reviews. We finally decided on the Jesus Calling Bible Storybook by Sarah Young. Sarah is the author of Jesus Calling and Jesus Today, which are both great devotionals, so I was excited to give this one a try.

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We’ve had it for about a week now, and absolutely love it! The stories are brief (perfect for kiddos), fun, and well written and the illustrations are beautiful. My favorite part about this book is the short devotional that is at the end of each story that contains a scripture and then a paragraph written to the child from Jesus’ perspective (in true Jesus Calling fashion). It is beautiful and often ministers to me as well. Liam loves this book! At least a few times a day, he will bring it over to me, climb up into my lap, and ask me to read him a story. I couldn’t be happier about this. He also loves flipping through the pages himself (he especially enjoys looking at the Noah’s ark illustrations and pointing out all the different animals).

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[Haha, I realize this may seem like a sales pitch...it's not! I'm not getting paid to review this book or anything. We just love this so much, that I thought I would share with you.]

Are there any books or other resources that have helped you teach your children about Jesus? I would love to hear!

  • Amanda Nally

    He looks like such a little man! Love him! And thanks for the tip! I’ve been debating between this one and the Jesus Storybook Bible that has also been strongly recommended to us.