Pregnancy is amazing! But it does come with it’s own set of challenges as well. Thankfully, I have found quite a few things that have really helped with these challenges. I’m hesitant to call anything “must haves”, because I could probably survive without them if I had to. However, these are definitely some of my favorite things that have really helped me during pregnancy.
I always love hearing from others what items have helped them during pregnancy, so I thought I would share my list with you! Some of these items I’ve used during all of my pregnancies, and some are brand new. Hope you find this helpful!
Here are 8 of my Favorite Things for Pregnancy:
- Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins
- I wasn’t able to swallow pills until I was 15 years old…apparently I have a very good gag reflex. Even now, I have difficulty swallowing large pills (especially if they have DHA in them and taste like fish. Blech!). This is where the gummy vitamins come in! I love these things. I discovered them when I was pregnant with Liam, and I’ve never turned back since. (Note: they do not contain iron or calcium, so you will want to take a separate supplement for those).
- Blanqi Maternity Support
- Oh my word, I love this thing! This is a new purchase and I’ve only had it a couple of weeks, but it has been a lifesaver. Since I have been having quite a few early contractions this pregnancy, my doctor suggested getting a maternity support belt. I did my research, and most of the maternity supports out there look like torture devices. Except for this one. It is so comfortable, and it helps in many ways! It lifts up my belly so that it doesn’t feel so heavy, eases back and hip pain, and minimizes round ligament pain as well. It is well worth the investment!
- Palmer’s Cocoa Butter
- My skin tends to get really dry and itchy during pregnancy, and this lotion helps tremendously with this. It’s also supposed to help prevent stretch marks (and minimize the appearance of existing ones), so that’s cool too. Oh, and it smells yummy, which is a plus!
- My Pregnancy BabyCenter App - I’ve tried several pregnancy apps, and I keep going back to this one. It has lots of useful information in it, and it helps you track your baby’s weekly progress. And…it’s free! (They also have the app available for Android)
- Leachco Preggle Body Pillow
- I am naturally a back sleeper, so when I first got pregnant and had to switch to sleeping on my side, it was troublesome indeed. My hips started hurting and I kept accidentally rolling over onto my back in the night. It was no bueno. But then I discovered this pregnancy body pillow, and it has helped so very much! There are several different kinds of pregnancy pillows out there, but I really like this one, especially since it allows me to use my normal pillow to lay my head on. So comfy!
- Giant Tumbler
- I drink a lot of water. A lot. And whenever I’m pregnant, I drink even more. It is a hassle to refill a normal sized cup a gazillion times a day, so I prefer to have a large (or preferably, giant) tumbler with me wherever you go. Hydration during pregnancy is so important, and having a large tumbler around helps ensure that I get the water I need. I don’t have this venti Starbucks tumbler, but I would love to add it to my collection. (Sidenote: besides getting to bring our precious Gideon home from the hospital, I am also greatly looking forward to bringing home one of those awesome, very large, hospital cups! I used the one I got when I had Liam so much that it wore out. I’m pretty pumped to get a new one! Haha.)
- Vitamin Organizer
- Have you ever heard of a thing called “pregnancy brain”? It’s a real thing, I promise. (For example, yesterday I almost put the glass cleaner in the fridge. Yikes.) To help with my pregnancy forgetfulness, I got this vitamin organizer. I felt old getting it, but it is very helpful indeed. I like this one specifically, because it has four different time slots in each day case. That way, if you have to take different supplements or medication at different times during the day (such as taking your calcium and iron at different times), you will remember when. Genius! I also really like the pretty colors this case comes in.
- Amazon Mom - Amazon is amazing! You can find pretty much anything on there, not just books! And when you sign up for Amazon Mom (it’s FREE!), you get a free 3-month trial of Amazon Prime that includes free 2-day shipping! You also get discounts off of diapers and other baby items. Plus, if you create a baby registry through them (which is what we’ve used), you receive a 15% discount off of anything in your registry the month before your baby is due. This was SO helpful when we had Liam, and I plan on getting a lot of the things we need for Gideon this way too. I highly recommend it!
So, there you have it…8 of my favorite things for pregnancy. If you’re a mom or mom-to-be…what are your favorites? Please share in the comments below!