Archives For May 2014

Last night I found this little snail on our sidewalk. I couldn’t help but kneel down and take a few pictures of him. How cute is he?! Jonathan said it looked just like the snail that he and Liam saw on a rock all the way on the other side of our condo the other day. My what a journey he has had! As I watched this little guy slowly make his way to his destination (the mulch next to our door), I was reminded of Philippians 3:13-14.

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“No, dear brother and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” - Philippians 3:13-14

Letting go of the past can be hard to do (sometimes it feels near impossible), but it is so important in order for us to step out into the amazing destiny God has for us. You cannot move forward into the new while simultaneously holding onto the old. It just isn’t possible.

In order for us to move forward into the new, amazing things that are in store for us, we must let go of the old. We cannot make progress if we are holding onto past hurts, things people have said or done to us, failures, or disappointments. We need to forget these things, and move forward, pressing on!

Sometimes I think it would be nice if we could literally wipe clean the memory of every hurtful thing that has ever been said or done to us. And maybe, even, to completely forget hurtful people who have been a part of our lives at one point or another. But so far, I haven’t found that to be the case. And maybe that is by design. After all, isn’t it the good and the bad that make up a compelling story or adventure? We would never have a victorious ending if there was never anything to overcome.

I’ve found that forgetting what is behind us is a continual process. It’s not just a one-time thing. Whenever those negative thoughts or feelings creep in, choose to cast them aside and focus on the truth of what God has said about you and the hopeful future He has for you.

Forgetting what is behind can also mean letting go of the “good ‘ole days.” I don’t think we should forget good times in our past, no, we should celebrate and be thankful for them! But if we continually live our lives longing for what used to be, then we will never experience the even better days that are in store for our future!

Just like the snail in front of our doorstep never would have made it there if he was fixated on his past (that rock on the other side of our condo), we will never make it to our amazing future if we are continually holding onto what is behind us.

So, friend, let’s let go and move on! **Cue “Let It Go” from Disney’s Frozen**  Even better days are ahead of you.  

Last week I took my 30-Week baby bump photo, but am just now getting around to posting it and writing up a pregnancy update. My family was in town all last week, so I was busy enjoying every second with them. :)

So, here is my 30-Week photo, with a 31-Week Update!

30 Weeks Cover Photo 24-30 weeks

Last Tuesday I went to my doctor’s office for my weekly check-up and an ultrasound. It was wonderful getting to have an ultrasound while my mom was in town, because she got to come with me to see our little Gideon. So special! I love the photos the ultrasound technician got. Every time we’ve seen him lately, he’s had his little arm up by his head. And I am in love with the picture of his little feet and toes! As of a week ago, Gideon was weighing in at 3.5 lbs. At this point, they estimate that he’s growing about half a pound each week, so he could be about 4lbs (or more) now! This is the point in the pregnancy where he really starts putting on weight fast.

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I cannot believe that I’m only 62 days away from his due date! With each week that passes, I am incredibly thankful that we’ve made it this far. We’ve had many moments when it looked like I was going to go into preterm labor, but throughout it all we have trusted God with our son and this pregnancy. I am so incredibly grateful!

I am still having contractions on a daily basis, so I’m continuing to rest when they come and monitor them closely. Some days I only have about 20-30 contractions, and other days it can get more crazy with numbers around 50-100. In the past week and a half, some of the contractions have reached a new pain level, which can be alarming. But they eventually calm down and I’m able to relax. I’m thankful for an amazing doctor and nurses, and for incredible family and friends who have helped so much.

Really, besides all of the contractions, I am doing great! And I am thankful for such a healthy baby.

While my family was here last week, I had SO much help! I didn’t have to make one meal, and I think I only changed one of Liam’s diapers. Liam had a household full of people just waiting to play with him (he LOVED every moment of their visit!), and I got to take at least an hour nap every day. It was absolutely marvelous! I’m so glad we were able to have that time together!

Now we are in the final stretch of this pregnancy…I feel like Gideon will be here before we know it! There are many things I would love to get done before he arrives, but in the end I know we will have everything that we need right when we need it. We are so very excited!


Happy Friday!

I always love Fridays, because it is the start of the weekend, which means lots of family time! It’s my favorite. The thing I am most looking forward to this weekend is my family coming to visit! They are currently driving across the country (from California!) to come and see us and will arrive Sunday night. I am very excited to see my parents, brother, and two of my sisters. We will miss my other sister, Miranda, who is about to start her new summer job in Colorado as a horse wrangler and trail guide at a ranch in the mountains. So exciting!

Since it is Friday, I thought I’d share some of my favorite things I’ve found around the internet this week…

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  • Emily Ley announced her new Home Base Binder, which looks kind of amazing. I’m a huge fan of her Simplified Planner, and I feel like this new binder of hers is a great compliment to it.
  • This Pineapple Dole Whip copycat recipe sounds so yummy! My favorite treat to get at Disney World is their Pineapple Dole Whip, so it would be fun to try making it at home sometime.
  • This week I discovered Elise Blaha‘s podcast, Elise Gets Crafty. On it she covers subjects from blogging, business, creativity, inspiration and motivation. If any of those subjects interest you, go check it out! I’ve really enjoyed it so far.
  • What is Oil Pulling? I’ve been hearing more and more about it lately, and apparently there are quite a few health benefits to it. I haven’t tried it myself yet, but this post definitely sparked my curiosity.
  • A Beautiful Mess launched their French Macarons 101 Crash Course this week! Mmmmm…I sure do love French Macarons (especially lemon ones). I would love to one day learn how to make them myself!
  • I’m loving this list of Small Fry’s Best of Summer activities. I can’t believe it’s almost summertime! And these activities look like so much fun to do with your little ones.
  • I can’t stop looking at this Boy’s Room Tour on Oh Happy Day by Jordan Ferney. It is bright and cheery, and looks like the perfect space for her boys to have lots of adventures. Looking at it made me even more excited that soon Liam will have a little brother to share a room with!
  • I found this artwork on Etsy, and it is so fun! I really like the colorful geometric design.
  • Liam’s 2nd Birthday is next month (I can’t believe it!). We’ve had our eye on this Radio Flyer Classic Red Tricycle for a while, and I think we might get it for him for his birthday. I think it will be lots of fun teaching him how to ride a little trike around. :)

What are some of your favorite things you’ve stumbled upon online this week? And what are you looking forward to this weekend?

I hope your weekend is full of sunshine and adventures!

One thing that God has been teaching me lately is to fully realize that He loves me for me, not for what I do for Him. Too often I have attached my worth to my accomplishments or to how much I was pouring out and helping other people. But during the past few months especially, I have been learning what it means to just abide. To rest. To be. And to know that God loves me just as much when I’m not able to do much, as he does when I am working myself to the bone.

This is something I’m still in the process of learning. It is something that I still struggle with at times for sure. But this realization is truly transforming me in ways I never knew possible. What I do doesn’t define me.

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I’ve been on modified bed rest off and on (mostly on) for a while now. This pregnancy has been so different, and has challenged my way of thinking in many ways. There have been many days when I haven’t been able to take my son, Liam, to the park to play. Or days when I haven’t even been able to make dinner. Or do the dishes. And many times I have been overwrought with guilt and felt like I was less of a mom and wife because I was falling short in these areas.

Then this morning, when I was wrestling with some of these same thoughts, I read this…

So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31

Doing all things for the glory of God isn’t just referring to the seemingly “important” or “sacred” things. It may simply mean resting, or eating your lunch with your toddler, or giving yourself enough grace to just be you without all the crazy expectations from other people or yourself.

Your striving for significance and acceptance is only doing more harm than good. You do not need to earn God’s approval or love. He gives it freely. And it makes His Father heart sad when we do not understand this. He is not keeping a scorecard of all of our accomplishments to see if we’ve done enough on any given day. He simply wants a relationship with us. He cares more about the contents of our hearts than the contents of our to-do list.

Remember this, friend…God loves you for you, not for what you do.

Hello, 3rd Trimester!

It’s hard to believe that in about 12 weeks we will get to see our little guy Gideon. With every day that passes, it begins to feel more real. And we couldn’t be more excited! This week I started going through Liam’s old baby things, sorting through them, washing clothes, and figuring out what else we need in order to be prepared. As I was folding those little newborn onesies and sleepers, I couldn’t help but picture what Gideon will look like in them. I love daydreaming about him!

28 Weeks Cover Photo 22-28 weeks

As far as how I’m feeling, I have still been having lots of contractions. Some days more than others. I have to play each day by ear, as they can be unpredictable. On the days when the contractions are sporadic and milder, I’m able to get up and go out and do things (which is wonderful). But when the contractions get more uncomfortable and are numerous and close together, I have to stay off my feet. I’m learning (still learning, at times) to listen to my body and truly rest. We need Gideon to stay in there for a while longer, so resting is important. I go to see my doctor again tomorrow, and it is always reassuring to see her and get an update.

Last night some of my amazing friends threw me the sweetest surprise baby shower. I was shocked and felt incredibly blessed and loved. I am very impressed that they were able to surprise me, because that’s not always easy to do. Haha. I honestly had no clue! It was such a special night and I received some precious things for our little guy. :) Thankful to have such wonderful people in my life.

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During this season we are in, I can’t help but be overwhelmed (in a good way) by the great blessings God has brought into our lives. I am incredibly thankful for how God has provided for and directed our family, even through difficult times. I am so excited about life and all that is in store! We are really looking forward to being a family of four. :)